Resolving Conflicts: Techniques and Best Practices | Ep. #048

Written by Mario Trentim

30 de September de 2023

Welcome to yet another edition of PMOCast, the one-stop hub for invaluable project management insights. Today, we’re delving deep into a technique that is changing the face of project management by amplifying project value – Benefits Realization Management (BRM).

Understanding Benefits Realization Management

BRM is a methodical approach that aims to identify, execute, and measure the benefits accrued from a project. It ensures projects aren’t just completed within the stipulated timeframe and budget but also deliver the projected benefits that justified the initiation of the project. Several renowned project management methodologies, including PRINCE2, extol the merits of integrating BRM into project management practice.

Implementing BRM in Your Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide

The implementation of BRM involves a series of well-defined steps:
Identify and Define Benefits: Collaborate with stakeholders to identify the desired outcomes of the project. Quantify these benefits in measurable terms to facilitate tracking.
Develop a Benefits Realization Plan: This plan outlines the timeline and strategy for benefits delivery and allocates responsibility for realizing these benefits.
Execute the Plan: Simply defining and planning the benefits isn’t enough. The anticipated benefits must be interwoven into project deliverables, with defined roles and responsibilities assigned for benefits realization post-project.
Measure and Review Benefits: Upon project completion, the actual benefits should be measured and compared against the expected outcomes. The results should be disseminated amongst all stakeholders.

The Significance of BRM: A Case Study

The pivotal role BRM plays in project success can be exemplified through a case study involving a global technology company implementing a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Instead of merely focusing on the system’s implementation, the project manager emphasized the expected benefits such as enhanced customer satisfaction rates and increased sales, utilizing BRM principles. The result was a successful project that didn’t just deliver the system within time and budget constraints but also realized the expected benefits.

A Must-Read Resource on BRM

For an in-depth exploration of benefits realization, the Benefits Management framework by John Ward and Elizabeth Daniel is an invaluable resource. It offers practical steps and strategies for applying BRM, making it a must-read for every project management professional.

Wrapping Up

As we draw this discussion to a close, let’s remind ourselves that the purpose of projects extends beyond just delivering outputs. The primary goal is to realize benefits aligning with the strategic objectives of an organization. Embrace Benefits Realization Management to steer your projects towards truly adding value.

In our forthcoming content, we’ll delve into risk management in the digital age, an indispensable topic for all project professionals navigating this era of rapid change.

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Until next time, let’s realize benefits and transform project management!

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