PMP Certification: Why and How to Get It | Ep. #040

Written by Mario Trentim

22 de September de 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. If you’re in the project management field or aspiring to break into it, PMP certification is likely on your radar. And rightly so, as it’s become a standard requirement in many job postings within the field.

What is PMP Certification?

Offered by the globally recognized Project Management Institute (PMI), the PMP certification was first introduced in 1984 to set a standard of excellence in the project management profession. Fast forward to today, there are over 1 million active PMP certified professionals worldwide, making it a sought-after accreditation in the industry.

Why PMP Certification?

Boost Your Earning Potential

PMP certification doesn’t just bolster your resume; it can significantly augment your earning potential. According to PMI’s Earning Power Salary Survey – 11th Edition, PMP certified professionals earn an impressive 25% more than their non-certified peers.
Enhance Your Skills and Knowledge
The PMP certification also enhances your skills and knowledge, making you a more effective project manager. You get a firm grasp on managing various aspects of a project, including scope, cost, quality, and risk, to name a few.

Boost Project Success Rates

It’s not just about personal growth. Organizations also reap the benefits of having PMP certified managers on board. Studies have shown that companies with more than one-third PMP certified managers achieve significantly better project success rates.

How to Become PMP Certified?

Becoming PMP certified is a rigorous but rewarding process.

Meet the Eligibility Criteria
Firstly, you need to meet the eligibility criteria, which consist of a combination of project management education and experience. Detailed information about these criteria can be found on PMI’s official website.

Pass the PMP Exam
After fulfilling the eligibility requirements, you’ll have to pass the PMP exam—a comprehensive four-hour test with 200 multiple-choice questions. The exam is designed to assess your understanding of project management concepts, tools, and methodologies.

Use Available Resources
Don’t let the exam intimidate you. Plenty of resources are available to assist you in your preparation. PMI’s own Exam Content Outline serves as a detailed roadmap, providing an overview of the topics covered in the exam.

You can also join study groups or forums, such as PMI’s, where you can exchange insights with others who have already passed the exam. Plus, numerous reputable organizations offer exam prep resources to help you ace the test.

Success Stories

To illustrate the value of PMP certification, let’s consider IBM, a company that holds this certification in high regard. IBM has reported an increase in client satisfaction and project success since encouraging their project managers to become PMP certified. This certification equips professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle complex, multinational projects effectively.


In conclusion, obtaining PMP certification is a strategic career move that can boost your marketability, increase your earning potential, and provide you with the tools needed to excel in project management.
It’s a commitment, no doubt, but the rewards are substantial. If you’re ready to take your project management career to the next level, consider earning your PMP certification. It’s a decision that can transform your professional journey, offering endless learning opportunities and exciting career prospects.
Remember, as project managers, we’re always learning, always growing—that’s what makes our field so thrilling. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of project management.
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