Navigating Organizational Politics in Projects | Ep. #044

Written by Mario Trentim

26 de September de 2023

Welcome back to a new installment of PMOCast: Project Management Insights. Today, we’re venturing into a critical and often overlooked aspect of project management: Navigating Organizational Politics in Projects.

Organizational Politics and Project Management

Whether we acknowledge it or not, organizational politics pervade most, if not all, institutions. It can significantly influence the progress and success of a project. Recognizing and comprehending this is the initial step towards managing its sway.

Let’s consider an example to understand why organizational politics demands our attention. Suppose you’re assigned to manage a project implementing a new software system. However, certain departments might resist this change, fearing disruption to their processes or a perceived loss of power. Recognizing and addressing these concerns early on could steer your project towards success, rather than allowing it to flounder amidst interdepartmental strife.

Strategies for Navigating Organizational Politics

As a project manager, you’re likely wondering how to navigate this often-tricky political landscape. Here are some strategies that can aid you:

1. Understand the Organization’s Power Dynamics: It’s crucial to identify who holds both formal and informal power and understand their stance on your project. Rita Mulcahy, a revered figure in the realm of project management, emphasizes the importance of understanding power and influence structures in her book “PMP Exam Prep.”
2. Build Alliances and Foster Relationships: This isn’t about manipulation; it’s about understanding different perspectives and finding shared ground.
3. Ensure Transparent and Proactive Communication: Regular project updates and soliciting input from stakeholders at all levels can help alleviate concerns and foster trust.

Consider the case of Jeff, a project manager at a tech firm. Tasked with leading a cross-departmental project, Jeff faced significant political resistance. But Jeff was prepared. Understanding the power dynamics within the organization and addressing the stakeholders’ concerns through transparent communication, Jeff emphasized the project’s benefits, successfully navigating the political landscape and delivering the project on time and within budget.

Wrapping Up

Navigating organizational politics isn’t an exact science. It can be a difficult path to traverse. However, understanding the power dynamics, nurturing strong relationships, and encouraging transparency can mitigate political challenges and significantly improve your project’s chances of success.

In our next installment, we will discuss the importance of project management in strategic alignment and how project managers can contribute to an organization’s strategic goals.

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Thank you for joining us today, and as always, happy project managing!


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