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For each episode, you’ll find a full article below.

This is the most listened to episode.

Project Management Basics

Content Highlights:

Introduction to the world of project management
Importance of project management across industries
Definition of key terms: project, project manager, stakeholders
Overview of the podcast series and topics to be covered in future episodes


PMP Certification: Why and How to Get It | Ep. #040

PMP Certification: Why and How to Get It | Ep. #040

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. If you're in the project management field or aspiring to break into it, PMP certification is likely on your radar. And rightly so, as it’s become a standard requirement in many...

Managing Virtual Teams: Overcoming Distance and Time Zones | Ep. #038

Managing Virtual Teams: Overcoming Distance and Time Zones | Ep. #038

Welcome back to our ongoing series on project management insights. Today, we're diving into an increasingly relevant topic in our digital era – managing virtual teams. In the face of a rapidly evolving work culture, project managers are often tasked with overseeing...

Ethics in Project Management: Navigating the Grey Areas | Ep. #037

Ethics in Project Management: Navigating the Grey Areas | Ep. #037

Welcome to another informative article in our series on project management. Today, we'll be exploring a topic that's both crucial and challenging - the role of ethics in project management. Why are Ethics Important in Project Management? Ethics, often a grey area in...

Understanding the PMBOK Guide: A Deep Dive | Ep. #036

Understanding the PMBOK Guide: A Deep Dive | Ep. #036

Welcome to the intricate world of project management, where the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) guide is a pivotal reference and resource. Today, we're going to dive deep into understanding the PMBOK guide, revealing why it's such an essential part of...

Stakeholder Management: Winning Support for Your Projects | Ep. #035

Stakeholder Management: Winning Support for Your Projects | Ep. #035

In the intricate world of project management, handling stakeholders effectively is both a necessity and a challenge. Stakeholders - be they team members, clients, executives, or end-users - have the potential to shape the success or failure of your projects. In...

Embracing Cultural Intelligence in Project Teams | Ep. #032

Embracing Cultural Intelligence in Project Teams | Ep. #032

In today's globalized and digitally interconnected business landscape, diversity and inclusion have emerged as paramount factors influencing the dynamics of project management. This article focuses on "Embracing Cultural Intelligence in Project Teams," an insightful...

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